Word Bhoonga (بھونگا) is purely word of Saraiki Language. Bhoonga means that payment who owners paid to thief or king or winner against his own thing. It's plural Bhoongy(بھونگے) ۔ This word is practice in Saraiki Language from many centuries. Today this term is using frequently. In the rural area, Many million PRS are happening transaction under Bhooga. Mostly Chief of region plays middle role in this transaction between Both sides۔ Chief of region plays his role for making deal of value (Stolen goods، price and product or detained items).Saraiki has been paradise of attackers, Therefore they paid tansom to winners opposite king or Chief for for back of land, animals or valuable things.
Usage of Bhoonga in Past
Saraiki belt has been always facing attackers since thousand years. Green areas, commodities and rich array of money is always attempt to attackers. The history of Saraiki region is full of stories of Attackers. Although the first use of metal is detected here. But it was created for tool for agriculture, not for as weapon. You can guess about people life style. They never feel of needed to attack on other part of Sub-continent. They are piece full۔ Comfortable life made them lazy and cowardly. It is an other reason that invaders never hesitate to attack. People of here lose the often battle and unsuccessful to defense of their land. Their lands were seized. Attackers made human as slaves and women as servants. Looted livestock and grain۔ Many times, battle ended on Ransoms and Exodus and local body paid these product for saving their life, livestock, their children and women, their land and their business. This term was invented۔
Usage of Bhoonga in present Era
Fortunately, today's democracy settle in the subcontinent. And people and Governments has sense of peace. But this poor word is using. Thieves are stealing Connivance of the police or the violations of state's law. Regional Chief sponsor of thieves or gives cover from police and other forces. They Considered this way of income. In often time, Affected people want their things without help of law process. They contact regional Chief and request to return their items. Regional Chief traces the items of people through his own sources. And Force thieves for make a deal to back of items. Negotiations are happening several periods. Amount )bhoonga, بھونگا ) is fixed. Police are not aware of these steps. Owner paid the amount of Bhoonga بھونگا to take back of his items through commitment of Regional Chief. This payment is called Bhoonga (بھونگا).
Effects and implications of Bhoonga on society
Lack of awareness and trekking of the law in the people. Literacy trend and rate also is low. Therefore these cases are not reported to police. Due to no interest of public, Honorable courts are failed to Punishment to thieves. Illicit disease is spreading.Crime rates are increasing. And A lot people lost their money in this Bhoonga system.We should play to end this system and help local law.
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