Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Pakistan Government had announced initial estimate of damages of recently flood in Pakistan. It is called flood 2013. In this year, wide areas of Pakistan is affected through flood 2013. All provinces of Pakistan are inspired by flood 2013. Pakistani Public has gotten big livings and financial loses. Cultivated crops and houses are destroyed. Animal of value of millions are dumped. Roads were washed away. According of Federal Government initial estimate of damages, 14,19,569 people are affected, Cultivated crops on 8,26,871 acres are completely destroy, 20046 houses are collapsed and 5,438 villages are affected by recently flood. 169 Individuals are died and 855 people are injured. According of detail of expired people, In Baluchistan, KP, Sindh ,Punjab and AZK, respectively 18,24,35,55,25 people are dead. Government is made 323 relief camps And 30،540 people are moved safe place. During of last 3 years, Pakistan is facing flood disaster in every years. Government plan of arrangement of safe through flood. But every try is failed. Only not Pakistani are getting loses but also getting financial problems. Business activities are downing in flood areas and rate of poverty is increasing. Chances Of new business are ending and stable of business is being difficult. You must consider on this report, quantity of highest dead are collected in Punjab. And most people are belongs from saraiki region. Saraiki belt is passageway of five all five rivers of Pakistan.Only indus  flow in 400Km in Saraiki area. A little diluvium in rivers are affected wide areas of Saraiki Waseb. Saraiki nation face problems of it and got losses Large-scale. You can understand system of rivers of Pakistan through below picture.
river system of Pakistan in punjab
river system of Pakistan in punjab.


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