Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Pakistan Government had announced initial estimate of damages of recently flood in Pakistan. It is called flood 2013. In this year, wide areas of Pakistan is affected through flood 2013. All provinces of Pakistan are inspired by flood 2013. Pakistani Public has gotten big livings and financial loses. Cultivated crops and houses are destroyed. Animal of value of millions are dumped. Roads were washed away. According of Federal Government initial estimate of damages, 14,19,569 people are affected, Cultivated crops on 8,26,871 acres are completely destroy, 20046 houses are collapsed and 5,438 villages are affected by recently flood. 169 Individuals are died and 855 people are injured. According of detail of expired people, In Baluchistan, KP, Sindh ,Punjab and AZK, respectively 18,24,35,55,25 people are dead. Government is made 323 relief camps And 30،540 people are moved safe place. During of last 3 years, Pakistan is facing flood disaster in every years. Government plan of arrangement of safe through flood. But every try is failed. Only not Pakistani are getting loses but also getting financial problems. Business activities are downing in flood areas and rate of poverty is increasing. Chances Of new business are ending and stable of business is being difficult. You must consider on this report, quantity of highest dead are collected in Punjab. And most people are belongs from saraiki region. Saraiki belt is passageway of five all five rivers of Pakistan.Only indus  flow in 400Km in Saraiki area. A little diluvium in rivers are affected wide areas of Saraiki Waseb. Saraiki nation face problems of it and got losses Large-scale. You can understand system of rivers of Pakistan through below picture.
river system of Pakistan in punjab
river system of Pakistan in punjab.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Word Bhoonga (بھونگا) is purely word of Saraiki Language. Bhoonga means that payment who owners paid to thief or king or winner against his own thing. It's plural  Bhoongy(بھونگے)   ۔ This word is practice in Saraiki Language from many centuries. Today this  term is using frequently. In the rural area, Many million PRS are happening transaction under Bhooga. Mostly Chief of region plays middle role in this transaction between Both sides۔ Chief of region plays his role for making deal of value (Stolen goods، price and product or detained items).Saraiki has been paradise of attackers, Therefore they paid tansom to winners opposite king or Chief for for back of land, animals or valuable things.

Usage of Bhoonga in Past

Saraiki belt has been always facing attackers since thousand years. Green areas, commodities and rich array of money is always attempt to attackers. The history of Saraiki region is full of stories of Attackers. Although the first use of metal is detected  here. But it was created for tool for agriculture, not for as weapon. You can guess about people life style. They never feel of needed to attack on other part of Sub-continent. They are piece full۔ Comfortable life made ​​them lazy and cowardly. It is an other reason that invaders never hesitate to attack. People of here lose the often battle and unsuccessful to defense of their land. Their lands were seized. Attackers made human as slaves and women as servants. Looted livestock and grain۔ Many times, battle ended on Ransoms and Exodus and local body paid these product for saving their life, livestock, their children and women, their land and their business. This term was invented۔

Usage of Bhoonga in present Era

Fortunately, today's democracy  settle in the subcontinent. And people and Governments has sense of peace. But this poor word is using. Thieves are stealing Connivance of the police or the violations of state's law. Regional Chief sponsor of  thieves or gives cover from police and other forces. They Considered this way of income. In often time, Affected people want their things without help of law process. They contact regional Chief and request to return their items. Regional Chief traces the items of people through his own sources. And Force thieves for make a deal to back of items. Negotiations are happening several periods. Amount )bhoonga, بھونگا ) is fixed. Police are not aware of these steps. Owner paid the amount of Bhoonga بھونگا to take back of his items through commitment of Regional Chief. This payment is called Bhoonga (بھونگا).

Effects and implications of Bhoonga on society

Lack of awareness and trekking of the law in the people. Literacy trend and rate also is low. Therefore these cases are not reported to police. Due to no interest of public, Honorable courts are failed to Punishment to thieves. Illicit disease is spreading.Crime rates are increasing. And A lot people lost their money in this Bhoonga system.We should play to end this system and help local law.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Saraiki culture (Patka)
Patka is wears as headwears in mostly parts of Sub-continent. In saraiki region, Patka is usage as traditionally wears. This is special for men address. And it is cutlural wear but it not Religious. It is deferent than other parkas(pagri, shumla,  Dastar). Mostly color of Patka is whites but black and blue patkas are also very popular in saraiki wasaib. Once upon a time, it is usage commenallly. but now a days it's usage is low than past. But it is used in many parts of saraiki wasaib. Patka dress is known as honorable and respectable dress in the rural area. It is also known for specific symbol Region chief. In the panchayat, Region Chief must wear Patka. And Peak of Patka is very hieght than other people of panchayat. In panchayat Chief do justice but Panchayat system is end in most parts of Saraiki region. Today it is looking on Eid, any Festival and events. Many saraiki families has a lot of interest in patka. But these are low in quantity. Multani Patka is very popular in the world. Saraiki Patka has own style and Method of wear is very different. In the parts of Saraiki region, Styles of Patkas are different but those are representing of their various region. But cause of Patka is one and Saraiki nation is one.

Today Patka is losing its identity. It is feared, this fashion is near of end. It is tradition symbol of saraiki. People also are not taking interest in usage of Patka. It was representing the people of saraiki waseb. But now people is egnoring it. But remember, Patka is making celebraty and personalities of people but in these days it is very costly. it is saving sun heat and keep head cool. We should try to save patka because it is our culture and we should show our love to save it.
Child is wear Patka
A men is wear patka through Charder
Look at photo for style of patka in saraiki region
Patka (Saraiki culture and fashion)

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Festival of greeting Eid Fitr is coming after 1 or 2 days. Holly month of Ramadan is going to end very soon. People are buying wears and shoes and they are shopping those things which they can enjoy Eid Fitr. There are looking Crowd اrush in the markets. All markets are full by customers.  But a lot of people can't decide, what should buy on this Eid.
This Eid is coming in the summer season. And Moon Soon also is continuing. After this weather, Autumn will start. So this is reason, people are confuse because of new fashions. You should take guide line  through Saraiki culture.
For those who are living in saraiki Waseb, they should buy good wears like kurta, shalwar and qameez and shalwar, Faridi Romal, and some suggestions are below for men,
Fashion for men
For men who are 6 fits tall and their chest is above 35″ they should buying write color Kurta with  same color shalwar of any high standard Clothing industry۔ It is also better if you buy write color cotton soot. If you want other different colour, you must buy light colour dress. Because light colour reflect sun heat. Because summer is not till yet.
If your hight 5fits to 5.11 fits then above suggestion is very suitable for you. If you buy normal color or dark colour of clothes, then you will feel more heat in this dress. Now it is right time to buying your clothes and go to tailor for stitches the clothes. This suggestion is very useful for those men who are above 25 years old to 60 years and for white colour of fulvous colour. If your skin color black or light black you must buy dark colour of clothes. Dark colour will attractive by you.
Saraiki kurta
Fashion for boys
from Some years early, boys are interesting in Jeans and trozer shirts. This is also attractive fashion for every skin and hight of boys. But Traditional wears are very best in this summer. You must buy tradition dress at this Eid.

Three piece dress is very best for men and buys.
Shoes for men, buys and seniors
At this Eid you should avoid costly shoes. If you can afford these shoes then you can buy but I suggest you to save your money. Some suggestions are below.
1: You can buy shapals, sandals because these are open and windy. If you buy luiten Shoes then your foots are Sweating.


2: Bata shoes, Bata shapal, Bata Sandals are very popular and also It's Fashion. But if you want to make your personality attractive and beautiful you can buy khusa. Khusa is very beautiful and traditions shoes. Today it's productions are very low but on the festival Eid, Marry and any other festival  , people want to wear these type of shoes.
Khussa for men

Saturday, 3 August 2013

In fact, the history of Saraiky is beginning with start of history of sub-continent.  Many experts accept that "Saraiki history" is also old than Indus Valley. As early, it was recognized that history of "Sindh valley " is a basis culture of In settlement of west area of sub-continent. But sign shows that basic of "Sindh valley" is saraiky culture or both civilizations are same ages sisters. And "Saraiky" and "Sindhi "culture is mother of other civilizations in west area of Sub-continent.
Pure Saraiki region is south of Punjab (Pakistan) in west zone of India and some parts are in Sindh and Baloachistan. Once upone a time. Saraiki area was a bigger than now because many zone was founded in the west part of sub-content and some parts in Iran and Afghistan. there was proper speeking and telling "Saraiki". These people has been living in this area since thousand years.Geography of this civilization is changed and shrinking because of arrival of  hours of powers and repeatedly attackers. Now it is on limited area. The people of this civilization are peaceful never believed on power. This land never born attackers, except, defensive soldiers.
Today, "Saraiki Waseeb" is facing challenges of house of powers and they want in the limited geographic area. movement has arisen because of the presence of consciousness and awareness among people against this. And they are rising voice new province of Pakistan in the pure of "Saraiki wassaib". This movement is continuing since 1968. This is peaceful movement. There is not violence in this movement. And this is the democratic way. Saraiki people is demanding new province "Saraikistan" who is Containing of 23 district of Punjab. Picture is bellow. and Population is 50 millions.

relited links: Saraiki culture
proposed map of

Friday, 2 August 2013


      Saraiki culture is very old. And expert linked about history of Saraiky culture with human settlement in subcontinent The early languages of subcontinent were Sanskrit, Sindhi and Saraiky. It mean that Saraiky Culture is very old, rich and popular in this area. But Attackers of Sub-continent always use Saraiki area as gate way. Therefore passing a time, Features of language and culture had been change but basic changes did  not apply in this culture. Attackers brought with their self  their history and tradition. But it's culture their customs and traditions were gradually absorbed. In the history when we see, The land was green and lush, and there was an abundance of water ,cots and  prosperity attracted the invaders.New arrivals left their home and were living here.And gradually mingled with the people. Seraiki belt will always retain its separate identity۔